Art Acumen undertook a full art audit and valuation on behalf of multinational City...
view projectIn May 2017 CMS UK, Nabarro and Olswang combined their firms to create a new City powerhouse and become the world’s sixth largest law firm.
As CMS’s art consultant, Art Acumen undertook a full audit and valuation of Nabarro and Olswang’s art collections and made recommendations for several works to be amalgamated into the main collection at Cannon Place. These included pieces by Rob and Nick Carter, Ptolemy Mann, Victor Pasmore and Bruce McClean.
With the arrival of new staff to the London headquarters, architects KKS re-designed several of the floors to accommodate them, this included new walls going up, old ones coming down, changing circulation routes and sight lines. Art Acumen took the opportunity to rehang the collection and include the new acquisitions.