Ingrid Weyland

Ingrid Weyland

It is said that a crumpled piece of paper can never regain its original shape; the trace persists. In the same way, nature which is disrespectfully invaded is forever broken, and many times unrecoverable. 

Weyland travelled from the south of Argentina to Greenland’s ice sheet in search of landscapes with a particular mood and beauty, unspoiled landscapes, almost surreal. The presence of man seems not to exist. They appear to be places that have never been inhabited, solitary, where the artist felt a strong intimate connection with this isolated nature. It was in these moments where it became clear that nature is also vulnerable and fragile.

As a tribute, and possible farewell, to her emotional haven which has experienced severe environmental degradation, and through the materiality of the printed image, she highlights the violent damage they suffer, manipulating and twisting her own personal landscapes. In these landscapes that at first glance seem so pristine and immaculate, we then notice their decline, their deterioration, which becomes a wake-up call, and a way of questioning our relationship with the natural world.

In the series “Topographies of Fragility,” Weyland alters, and performs violent gestures on the image of the landscape chosen. This is then laid on top of the same untouched photographic vista. This operation on the printed photographic paper allows her time to reflect on the permanent and irreversible traces of her actions, in a poetic allusion to our relationship with our planet.

Selected Exhibitions: Klompching Gallery, New York City 2022 | Espacio Hussek, Buenos Aires 2022 | Aesthetica Art Prize Shortlisted Exhibition, York Art Gallery UK 2022 | Art-Galerie Siegen, Germany 2022 | Ashurst Emerging Artist Prize Winner Exhibition, London 2021

Education: Graphic Design at the University of Buenos Aires (UBA)

Awards: Shortlisted for the Aesthetica Art Prize, UK 2022 | Lens Culture Art Photography Awards 2022, Juror’s pick | Ashurst Emerging Artist Photography Prize Winner, London 2021-2022 | Lens Culture Critics Choice 2021 | 1854 British Journal of Photography, Decade of change 2021 | Rhonda Wilson Award 2021