GPE Art Programme

GPE Art Programme

Art Acumen devised a bespoke art programme for Great Portland Estates’ Cavendish Square office; designed to articulate company values, encourage individual creativity, and support team building.

The programme includes an annual changeover exhibition, artist talks, and a creative skills programme, and has been designed to enable GPE staff to

  • experience a diverse group of artists and learn about their creative processes
  • have opportunities for thoughtful conversations and personal reflections
  • develop creative behaviours

The inaugural exhibition is photography based and centred around concepts and themes that GPE have identified as essential for them as an organisation and for their work. The benefits include improved employee engagement, wellbeing and collective responsibility, as well as supporting collaborative working and inspiring meaningful dialogue.

Artist Talks will bring each artists’ work to life: the stories behind the work, and the processes they go through.

Creative skills’ programmes are run with the specific objectives of improving employee wellbeing, innovation, and engagement.