Longley Place: Community Engagement

Longley Place: Community Engagement

Art Acumen devised a community engagement project to facilitate contemplation, individual expression as well as support a deeper understanding of themes and ideas behind the Longley Place public art commission.

In partnership with a collaborative poet, we extended an invitation to the local community to contribute their thoughts, emotions, and stories about the area, with a particular focus on their relationship with nature and open spaces. The poet hosted gentle and meaningful discussions, leading groups and individuals on guided journeys through landscapes of the local area. The participants were encouraged to explore their deep-seated connections with the natural world, their day to day interactions with it as well as aspirations for the future. The thoughtful contributions helped shape a reflective and inspiring poem acting as a catalyst for change and growth, both individually and as part of the community as a whole.

We further collaborated with the Brighton Film School inviting 2nd year students to create a poetry film in response to the community poem.